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Part 3

3.      Re-establishment of camp

Then, we inaugurated our work in that camp to reestablish standard safety measures. We built tents, we decorated kitchen with the stuff that we brought with us, we glued map of that area into our study tent for deciphering enemy’s attack planning. Two of us were all the time busy in providing nursing to our injured soldier. While we were busy in some sort of work there was always an anticipation of enemy’s stunning attack. To prevent surprise attack our captain ordered us to lay mines at specific places wherein through they could have attacked. After the re-establishment of our camp we finally took deep sigh of relief. It was nicely written in our eyes that each of us needed sleep for that night but our safety protocols don’t allow us to do that. So we slept on shifts. There were two important tasks we were supposed to do in that camp.

One, we were to make daily patrol in our surrounding area and towards the river situated one kilometer to our east from our camp to look for any foreign intruders. During this, utmost care towards enemy’s traps was to be primal caution.

Two, we were to keep ourselves with ample of resources to meet minimum of a week’s need. This objective was very hard to fulfill during bad weather. There were always chances of extirpation of out tents by strong gale in bad weather. We were to get regularly victualed of ammunition, grocery and other stuffs every week. And we were to manage other stuffs from nearby villages.

We were to stay in that forest for next couple of months. Then another crew would replace us if were to survive till then. Forest are cold during early morning so one has to keep himself fully covered to stay warm. Inspite of that duty staying alert wouldn’t be loosened. We were guarding in that deep forest with no hope to see another human being except for our enemies. And it was clear that no help could reach to us on time.

With three martyrs and two injured we were waiting for helping squad. We kept blind hope that our enemies do not attack us till we were to get help. Our each day passed in that forest in studying our area thoroughly, patrolling in our surrounding, nursing to the injured, cooking and finally hoping that help would reach to us somehow earlier. We crossed calendar dates with each passing day. Thankfully health of our injured soldiers was improving. I think it was there will to live that was bringing them to good health more than the effects of nursing and medicine.

So came the anticipated day of help. We were eagerly waiting for our people. We didn’t lose our hope till sunset. But, then with drowning sun our hopes were drowning too. We were supposed to believe that our man was caught and brutally murdered by the enemies or became prey for the wilds. That day brought us the utmost disappointment. We slept that day after Captain’s  announcement that I would be the one to march for main base camp if help did not reach to us next day.

Link for Part 4:

Link for Part 1:


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