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Part 5 

5. Last Encounter and probably last diary entry

Though I picked up pen to write my potential last entry into this diary I am not sure whether I will be able to finish this owing to my quivering hands caused by three bullets in my back. I think my mind will dwell into infinity with other souls before I see another human being.” What I am going to write is not a contrivance but it happen with many soldiers out there who are living in harsh condition to protect their country and their people.

It seems that this jungle love me more than anybody else in the world. It doesn’t want me and my brothers to get out of here alive. We got attacked by our enemies who were probably waiting for us to come to that valley by which we were going to pass. Sudden attack didn’t offered enough time to fire back, due to which many of us got shot including me. Though somehow we managed to nullify enemies attack with rebound fierce attack we got severely wounded. Of our team I could see only one alive who promised me to that he wont let me die in this jungle and so he ran away for making immediate contact with the base camp. He rushed through the valley leaving responsibility of keeping ourselves alive on us till he come back. But I had fought enough battles and my winged shoulder could no more hold any burdens. My eyes were tired and they need peaceful sleep here. Why I am remembering my family so much while making this last entry? Why tough soldier like me is crying so much? I don’t fear death then also why those pearly drops are covering my cornea? It is probably because my wish to get out of this jungle will remain a unfulfilled wish forever. I haven’t cried enough in my life so life has brought this beautiful death, probably, giving me chance to cry. I think i can faint anytime. If my last entry remains incomplete then I deeply apologize you, my diary, in prior. Many of my colleagues are sleeping on the floor of this jungle. I will have to search for more morphine cause painful attack is returning back. I have survived enough in this jungle but lets see if I can survive this battle with death too. I think I will have to stop talking to you here. Good Bye.

 Link for Part 1:


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