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What can I write on you dear poetry 

As innovative you seem to me with full of mystery

words are short for your warmth in my trunk 

And this feeling itself make me feel shrunk 

Below the tree when I was sitting last year 

When nobody was with me to say, oh dear

Tired of every happenings, I was gloomy and lonely

Except that I had read some beautiful poetry

Like a failure I had lived in the darkness 

As big shadow was upon me of cloud's Highness

My freedom was waving behind those black clouds

Where cheering sun was waiting to feel proud

There I recalled from Robert Frost's hoods

The two roads diverged into the yellow woods 

And Agneepath's  words rocked through my cortex

Not to stop, not to hault, not to turn back

Following this itself brought me out of dark shadow 

Into the Sunshine away from pitfall meadows

Dear poetry, You are grief reliever, you are success motivator

Being Processor of brain, you are strong thought cultivator

You are the words of inspiration to all 

From fierce war at border to peaceful exam hall 

How passionately you make beautiful things italic bold 

And to the vulnerable you protect from freezing cold

How beautifully one expresses love through you, oh poetry 

Gambling of words make those two crazy

Behalf of this world you are a lyrical song 

Full of music and pour out of heart 

Impossible as always it will for us 

To contains your existence in any wording cups

Our wraths will perish one day in this life game

But you will keep flaming our lamp of name

What can I write on you dear poetry 

As innovative you seem to me with full of mystery 

- Khushal Bhoyar 


  1. What a lovely creation Khushal..!!!👏👏👏👏
    Loved it...


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