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Part 2

2.      Flash Combat and new problems

          On the very sight of those intruders I took deep breath to reach peak of my consciousness and promised myself that I would destroy my enemy till last breath. I had already decided that in case I get shot by them then I would shoot my enemy till my last breath rather than staying low in cover. Captain commanded us to make a move and signaled us to initiate surprise attack. We all twelve commenced a flashing move and began firing on our enemy. Our enemy wasn’t ready for such surprise attack and got startled. They didn’t understand from where and how we attacked them. Before they could understand anything we had already infiltrated their camp which was once ours. With each fired bullet we aimed at our enemy to make maximum damage. Our startling attack was so immaculate that they lost their confidence and fled from the battlefield. We chased them for couple of hours but we could eliminate only three of five cowards. Other two successfully escaped. When we returned to camp we found that there were three casualties on our side. They lost their Life while fighting with the enemy. It was now our responsibility to carry their body, of which Life was already extracted by almighty, to their families for final cremation. Two more of us were severely injured to whom we started providing care at once. Only seven of us were fit for fight now. Adding to this there were two big problems in front of us.

First, we were less in number to keep our camp secured from our enemies. We needed minimum five more soldiers to carry substantial activities in camp and at the same time keep our area secure. 

Second, how to carry three martyrs and two injured to our main base camp without neglecting safety of our camp. If we send five people to carry only two would have remained in the camp and they would be outnumbered by enemies. And if we do not carry them then health of injured would deteriorate and at the same time dead body of martyrs would start to degrade.

In the midst of such difficult circumstances our captain took a heavy decision. He decided that one of us should carry message of injuries, casualties and momentary victory to main base camp. For him safety of this camp was a primal duty. He didn’t wanted sacrifice of those six martyrs to get wasted. He sent one of us to advance towards a hill, at a distance of half day, to make radio contact from there to base camp. We worshipped for his safety. We knew that if he were to succeed to contact base camp then it would take three more days to receive help from base camp. Till then our injured soldier should be able to fight death. We had to take care of corpses by the use of traditional preservative knowledge. And we had enough medical training with us with which we could start first aid treatment to our injured soldiers with just a hope in mind that they do not catch infection somehow. For it would get worst if got infected.

Link for Part 3:

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